Annapurna Basecamp Trek ( Nov 3-10, 2023)

Day 1 ( Nov 3, 2023) : Kathmandu – Pokhara :

My alarm woke me up at 5 am today. I was really excited because we were going to Pokhara for the ABC trek. I usually go to Pokhara once a month, but every time I get a chance to go there, I feel super excited. It’s my favorite place on Earth and My dream is to settle down in Pokhara for the rest of my life once I save enough money to buy a house and start a business there.

I called Sundar dai, the driver for this trip, as soon as I woke up. He lives a few kilometers away from Kathmandu city. He arrived at my home at 5:45 am. Next, we had to pick up our clients, Mr. Andre and Ms. Vanesa, from Thamel. So, we headed towards Thamel. Andre and Vanesa were waiting for us in the lobby of their hotel, so we gathered their backpacks and placed them in the car. Finally, the four of us started our journey to Pokhara with lots of excitement.

Unfortunately, at the exit point of Thamel, the traffic police stopped us, and the driver was fined Nrs 2,000 because our car was private and the new rule didn’t allow private cars to carry foreign passengers. As a trekking agent, I knew about the new rule, but I had no other option because my clients had booked the trek just the day before. We were supposed to travel to Pokhara by Swift Holiday’s sofa seater bus. However, all the bus tickets were booked, and I couldn’t find any other tourist vehicle as it was the peak trekking season, and all the tourist vehicles were reserved. After a 30-minute delay, we finally headed towards Pokhara.

According to our plan, we stopped at White Hills in Naubise at 7:30 for breakfast. Andre and Vanesa are my clients, and I am their trekking guide for the ABC trek. They enjoyed a delicious breakfast, and I played the guitar and sang Nepali songs. We had a lot of fun and resumed our journey towards Pokhara.

After a three-hour drive from Naubise, we reached Mugling. Since Sundar dai and I didn’t have breakfast in the morning, we planned to eat lunch at Mugling. We stopped there and ordered Nepali khana set with fish curry. Andre and Vanesa also ordered one khana set with fish curry and shared it. After a satisfying lunch, we continued our journey towards Pokhara. After a 15-minute drive from Anbu Khaireni, the bumpy roads began. The Prithwi Highway road extension was ongoing, and we had to drive through it for another 4 hours.

As we reached Damauli on the bumpy road, I changed the route to Pokhara via Madhya Nepal and Deurali to avoid the rough road. This road was narrow but well-paved, and the scenery was beautiful. It was rice harvesting time, and we could see large yellow paddy fields and lovely village settlements. Andre and Vanesa expressed their interest in seeing the rice harvest and local settlements, so I stopped and went to the fields. An old man was working in the field with his second wife and granddaughters from his first wife. Surprisingly, both his wives were living together happily in the same house. We explored the village settlements and went down to river with crystal clear water flowing, enjoyed some moments and continued our journey to Pokhara.

We reached Pokhara at 4 pm and checked into our hotel. Andre and Vanesa got a room on the top floor with a view of Fewa Lake and Pokhara city. They were happy with the room, and Sundar dai and I got a room just one floor below. After a quick shower, we went to explore Pokhara.

Pokhara is a beautiful place, and I didn’t want to waste time in the hotel. Andre and Vanesa bought some trekking gears from Lakeside. After shopping, they went to nearby restaurants for dinner. Without wasting time I took Sundar dai to my favorite spot at Pokhara, a lakeside footrail. Near the footrail at the bank of Fewa lake there is a old boat flipped upside down. Most of the time I go to Pokhara at the evening I always come to the place grab some beers order some street foods from nearby and enjoy the beauty of Fewa lake with sunset view. We did the same that day, but I could not invite Andre and Vanesa because yet I don’t know about their choice and they might not like the place. After the trek I planned to take them to the same place. After drinking couple bottle of beers and having belly full of street foods Sundar dai and I went to hotel at around 9:30 as we need to get proper rest for next day’s trek.

At around 12 am in the morning I felt some shake and it was earthquake. We Nepali people are already used to with earthquake so I didn’t get up from bed and continued my sleep.

Day 2 ( Nov 4, 2023) : Pokhara – Nayapool(1070m) – Matqyu(1500m) drive and hie to Jhinu dada(1700m):

I woke up early at 5:30 am. Later, I spoke with Andre on his balcony, and he shared that they had gone to the streets during the tremor last night, not wanting to disturb us. They didn’t call us, so I checked the news and learned about a devastating earthquake. A 6.4 magnitude quake hit Jajarkot and Rukum in the western part of Nepal, causing loss of life and damaging many houses. It saddened me, and I prayed for the victims and wished a quick recovery for the injured.

I double-checked Andre and Vanessa’s gears and equipment to ensure that nothing was missing, as I wanted to avoid any issues during our trek. I had provided them with a checklist of the required gear back in Kathmandu. When I checked in Kathmandu, everything was in order, except for warm gloves and sleeping bags, which we acquired and rented the previous day from a trekking gear shop in Lakeside, Pokhara. Now, with all our gear in place, we were fully prepared and ready for the trek.

Vanesa ordered breakfast at 7:30 am, but there was a delay. I went to the manager to address the issue, and they promptly served our breakfast. After eating, we started our journey to Nayapool at 8:45 am, delayed by 45 minutes due to breakfast.

We reached Nayapool around 10:30 am, and Sundar dai dropped us off. Our assistant, Mr. Govinda Kulung, was waiting for us. We met him, and he prepared the backpack to carry. According to our plan, we were supposed to hike to Jhinu Dada from Nayapool. However, since Andre and Vanesa were not comfortable walking on the Jeep track, I had to arrange a Jeep to Matqyu. We booked a Jeep, and Andre, Vanesa, I, Govinda, and another man joined us. I showed our permits at the Birethanti checkpoint, and we continued our journey to Matqyu along the Modi River.

After an hour and a half drive, the Jeep dropped us off at Matqyu, marking the start of our trek. Andre and Vanesa were excited because the highlight of the day was the hot spring at Jhinu Dada. We aimed to reach Jhinu Dada early to relax in the natural hot spring.

We kept walking, and after 45 minutes, we arrived at the Jhinu bridge. It was a suspension bridge, quite high, with a deep river flowing below. Vanesa was very scared and decided not to cross the bridge. I assured her of her safety, took her hands, held her tightly, and asked her not to look down while crossing. To distract her, I pointed out something written on a board on the other side of the bridge and asked her to read it. We continued this way until she successfully crossed the bridge. You can see her happy face in the picture below, along with an uncle who continued trekking with us.

After successfully crossing the bridge, we climbed uphill for about 10 minutes and reached Jhinudada. We were tired and hungry, so as soon as we arrived at our teahouse, we ordered lunch. After resting for an hour and having our meal, we headed downhill to the Jhinu hot spring. The weather suddenly changed, and it started to shower, so I decided not to join the hot spring. However, Andre and Vanessa enjoyed the hot spring for an hour, and then we returned to our teahouse. Andre and I had a short acclimatization hike in the evening and came back for the diner.

We had dinner at 7:30 pm, and right after eating, I gave a small briefing for tomorrow’s plan and we went to bed. Rest was crucial for the upcoming days of the trek.

Day 3 ( Nov 5, 2023) : Jhinu dada(1700m) – Dovan(2700m) Hike :

As planned the night before, we all gathered in the teahouse dining area at 7:00 am. I suggested to Andre and Vanessa that they should only drink water treated with purification tablets. We filled our bottles and added a purification tablet to each one. Due to the peak tourist season and many guests, breakfast took a bit longer. After having our breakfast, we started our uphill hike at 8 am. Our destination for the day was Dovan, which was approximately a 6-hour hike from Jhinudada.

As we ascended, the majestic mountains like Machapuchre, Gangapurna, Himchuli, and Annapurna South came into view.

The weather was clear, and after an hour of uphill trekking, we reached Chommrong, the most scenic and beautiful place on the entire ABC trek. The view from Chommrong was breathtaking. We took a break for about half an hour to soak in the scenery, during which I explained the names of all the peaks visible from Chommrong to Andre and Vanessa.

Leaving Chommrong, we began a downhill hike and arrived at a beautiful stupa after 15 minutes. Here, we all spent a few moments in silent prayer before continuing our journey. After another twenty minutes of descending, enjoying the old settlements, green fields, and the tranquility of village life, we reached the Sinu suspension bridge. I asked Vanessa if she was nervous about crossing the bridge again, and she smiled, saying the bridge was shorter and not as high as the Jhinu bridge, so she was okay with it.

After crossing the bridge, we began our uphill hike. Vanessa appeared quite exhausted, understandably so, as we had tackled a steep uphill climb from Jhinu Dada to Chommrong, and it was uphill again after the Sinuwa bridge. While discussing the various crops, fruits, and vegetables grown in the fields and observing mules carrying heavy loads for teahouses, we reached Lower Sinuwa. Taking a break to catch our breath, we rested, drank water, and then resumed our uphill hike.

After almost four hours of hiking, hunger started to set in. I had a pair of walkie-talkies, and one was given to our aasistant, Govinda. Using the walkie-talkie, I communicated with him and instructed him to stop at Upper Sinuwa for lunch since he carried our backpacks and would usually reach the destination before us.

Vanessa was feeling quite exhausted, and at some point, she regretted choosing to do the hike. I motivated her by saying that although it might be challenging now, completing the Annapurna Basecamp trek would become a lifetime memory and a proud story to share back home. She kept asking how much longer until the lunch break, and each time I assured her it was close. After 45 minutes of hiking from Lower Sinuwa, we finally reached our lunch point at Upper Sinuwa.

Vanessa wasn’t feeling well, so Andre and I took her directly to the dining hall. We made her lie down, removed her shoes, and I fanned some air with a notebook to give her some fresh air. After some rest, she started feeling better. We had our lunch, and after an hour and a half of lunch and rest, we resumed our hike towards Dovan.

As we set out on our hike towards Dovan, we encountered some wild monkeys (Langur) on the way. We paused for a few moments to observe them. Being inside the Annapurna Conservation Area, it’s a habitat for various wildlife.

 Continuing our journey, the trail was relatively flat with not much uphill or downhill. After a pleasant four-hour hike from the lunch point, we reached Dovan, our stop for the day. Feeling exhausted and sweaty, we changed clothes and took some rest. Vanessa caught a common cold from the second day, and today it was getting quite severe. I gave her some medicine and instructed her to drink more hot water and soup.

In the evening, we gathered for dinner. Vanessa ordered Momos, and I tried a piece – it was very delicious. After dinner, we noticed some Nepali hikers celebrating outside, so we joined them. They were drinking alcohol, and although Vanessa and Andre wished to have a beer, I advised against it.I promised to allow them the day we completed the Basecamp trek and descended to Lower Sinuwa. Consuming alcohol at high altitudes during a trek can be risky, so I always discourage my clients until they descend after the hike. We enjoyed their company for a while before heading to bed for a good night’s sleep.

Day 4 ( Nov 6, 2023) : Dovan(2700m) – Deurali(3200m) Hike :

It was a clear morning with a view of Machapuchre peak behind, and as we planned the day before, we gathered in the dining area at 7:30 am. There was no need to rush today since it’s only a 4-hour, 7 km hike to Deurali. After enjoying breakfast, we began our hike towards Deurali. Vanessa was feeling better than yesterday, although not completely recovered.

After hiking for a few hours through lush green forests, crossing small rivers, and enjoying beautiful landscapes, we reached a stunning waterfall. We took a break to appreciate the beauty of the waterfall, capturing some pictures and videos before continuing our hike further.

After hiking for another hour, we reached Himalaya and rested there for a few moments before continuing our hike. However, as soon as we started, Vanessa realized she had forgotten her hiking pole at Himalaya. I reassured her not to worry and went back to retrieve her hiking pole. The trail today wasn’t too challenging, with a mix of some uphill, downhill, and flat surfaces. Being above 3000m, I reminded Vanessa and Andre to keep themselves warm in the high altitude. In high-altitude trekking, you may sweat a lot, but it’s crucial to keep that sweat warm. Wearing warm jackets is essential so that the sweat doesn’t get cold. The weather was getting worse, and clouds hinted at potential rain.

After two hours of hiking from Himalaya, we reached our destination, Deurali. Luckily, as soon as we arrived, it started raining. We gathered in the dining area and had lunch together. I ordered Dal Bhat, and Vanessa questioned why I always eat Dal Bhat when there are so many other delicious options on the menu. I responded in a lighthearted way, saying, “Dal Bhat power, 24 hours,” explaining that Nepali people eat Dal Bhat for lunch and Bhat-Dal for dinner. Dal Bhat is a nutritious meal as rice provides carbs, lentils offer protein, and the veggies and pickles add fiber. It covers all the essential nutrients in a single meal, and the best part is that you can refill Dal Bhat as much as you like for free. Andre understood the point and decided to order Dal Bhat as well, starting to appreciate the dish.

I was concerned about Vanessa since she hadn’t fully recovered from the cold, and the next day’s trek would take us to higher altitudes. Once again, I advised her to drink more hot soups and ensure she stayed warm. After lunch, Andre and Vanessa decided to take some rest with plans to meet at 4 pm. I organized a short acclimatization hike for that time.

As it was raining outside, I stayed in the dining area, engaging in conversations with other hikers. The dining space was bustling with many trekkers, given the peak trekking season. I had managed to secure a room for Andre and Vanessa as I had booked earlier at the beginning of the trek. However, I couldn’t find a room for myself. When I inquired with the teahouse owner, he assured me not to worry and promised to arrange a warm bed for me that night.

After a few hours of chatting with fellow hikers, Andre and Vanessa arrived. I asked Vanessa how she was doing, and she mentioned having a headache. This concerned me, as a headache at high altitudes is not a good sign. I told her to let me know if the headache worsened. Later, we went out for an acclimatization hike. The weather had cleared up, and we enjoyed the view of Machapuchre for about an hour before returning to the teahouse by evening.

We waited for dinner in the dining area. Vanessa mentioned that she had lost her sense of taste. To cope, she walked around the dining area while eating, finding some taste by doing so. Later, she shared that her headache persisted. Since we were set to go higher the next day, I planned to give her Zolamyde tablets for high altitude, which need to be taken the day before ascending. I consulted a doctor in Kathmandu via messenger call, and the doctor advised against giving her the tablet due to her previous medical conditions.

Vanessa felt disheartened, but I assured her that the headache was likely due to the cold, not the high altitude. I had a medicine named Sancho, a type of Vicks used for colds, headaches, and massages. After using it, Vanessa felt more comfortable and expressed her happiness. I tried to uplift her spirits mentally, but I had a contingency plan in mind. If her headache persisted the next day, I decided I would descend with her to Sinuwadada along with Govinda while taking Andre to the basecamp. I kept this plan to myself, not wanting to demotivate them.

After applying the Vicks and filling their bottles with hot water, Andre and Vanessa went to bed. I reassured Vanessa that if she felt uneasy during the night, she shouldn’t hesitate to wake me up. They went to their room, and I settled into a warm and cozy balcony bed near the teahouse counter, hoping for Vanessa’s recovery the next day so that we could complete the Annapurna Basecamp trek together.

Day 5 ( Nov 7, 2023) :Deurali(3200m) to ABC(4130m) via Machapuchre Basecamp(3700m) Hike :

As planned, we gathered in the dining area for breakfast at 8 am. I was delighted to learn that Vanessa was feeling much better, and I felt confident about taking her to the basecamp. She expressed gratitude for the Vicks that had worked wonders. Today marked the most challenging, exciting, and final day of our trek as we aimed to reach Annapurna Basecamp. I was thrilled, but it also posed a challenge as I needed to closely monitor Vanessa’s condition. Despite not being fully recovered, she was determined, and I reassured her that her previous headache was due to the cold and that she was now in good shape for the journey.

We began our hike around 8 AM under clear and sunny weather. I instructed Andre and Vanessa not to open their down jackets, even if they felt hot, and they followed my advice. I emphasized the importance of drinking plenty of water and adopting a “slow and steady wins the race” approach, especially at high altitudes. The trek to the basecamp would take almost 5 hours, so I encouraged them to walk slowly and drink water frequently. They adhered to my instructions along the way. The first one and a half hours of the hike from Deurali were relatively easy and scenic, walking along the bank of the Modi River. After this stretch, the uphill climb to Machapuchre Basecamp began. It was the final ascent of the entire trek. Vanessa was quite exhausted, and Govinda was ahead of us, so I carried Vanessa’s backpack and ascended the slope slowly. Eventually, we reached Machapuchre Basecamp (3700m), where we stopped for lunch. Due to clouds and some snow, we couldn’t see any mountain views from Machapuchre Basecamp

Again, Andre, Govinda, and I had dal-bhat for lunch, while Vanessa ordered noodles with soup. After lunch, we commenced our hike towards Annapurna Basecamp. Although the trail wasn’t too steep, the high altitude slowed our pace considerably. I instructed Vanessa and Andre to walk behind me, leading them at a very slow pace. Every 10 steps, we would catch our breath and drink plenty of water.

Finally, through teamwork, coordination, and strong determination, we reached Annapurna Basecamp together. Overjoyed with our successful trek, we hugged each other and congratulated one another. Seeing Vanessa make it to the basecamp filled me with happiness. I was never concerned about Andre as I had noticed his strength, determination, and patience right from the start of the trek. I knew he could make it without any issues, and indeed he did.

Due to the cloudy weather, we were unable to witness the views of the mountains, including Annapurna I (8091m). However, we captured the moment with pictures and videos at the milestone of our journey—the board that read “Welcome to ABC 4130m.”

After capturing pictures and videos at the basecamp, we went up to our teahouse. With only five hotels at the basecamp and a multitude of hikers, we couldn’t secure a separate room. Andre and Vanessa had to share a room with eight more people, but they got separate beds. I needed to sleep in the dining area. We all understood the need for adjustments for this final night, ensuring warmth and safety.

After taking some rest, Andre, Vanessa, and I embarked on an acclimatization hike. As we ascended higher from the basecamp, we encountered breathtaking landscapes—deep gorges, glaciers, and stunning views that compelled us to venture even higher. We reached a viewpoint and climbed approximately 100 meters above the basecamp, touching the base of the mountain. With dusk approaching, we enjoyed the mesmerizing views and returned to our teahouse. Dinner was almost ready upon our return.

After dinner, I advised Andre and Vanessa to go to bed early due to the cold and the potential difficulty of sleeping at high altitude. I inquired about Vanessa’s well-being, and she mentioned a slight headache. I assured her that if there were any problems during the night, she should wake me up. They went to bed, and I spent some time talking with other hikers. Eventually, the teahouse owner arranged a bed for me at the dining table. Exhausted, I went to bed as all the guests retired to their rooms.

In the middle of the night, Vanessa approached me, looking quite worried as her headache had intensified. With no other option, I needed to reassure her and encourage strength. I immediately told her not to worry, assuring her that I had pills to alleviate her headache. I then retrieved a pill named Nims from my medicine box and instructed her to take one tablet. I explained that it would take about 20 minutes to work, and if it didn’t, she should come back, and I would provide a stronger pill.

After taking the tablet, Vanessa returned to her bed, but I couldn’t shake off my concern. I stayed awake, unsure if her headache would escalate. Twenty minutes later, I went outside her room and stayed there for another 10 minutes. To my relief, the tablet had indeed worked, as she didn’t come back to me. The reassurance I provided seemed to have a positive effect. Content with the outcome, I went back to bed and enjoyed a sound sleep.

Day 6 ( Nov 8, 2023) : ABC(4130) to Lower Sinuwa(2200m) :

As per our plan from the previous day, we gathered in the dining area at 6 am. Today, we were up early because we wanted to witness the sunrise in the mountains, known as The Golden Hour or Mountain On Fire. The initial sunlight on the mountains bathes them in a yellowish-red hue, creating a breathtaking sight. We stepped out of our teahouse and went to a nearby viewpoint to witness this mesmerizing Golden Hour. Seeing the first rays of the sun on Annapurna I, the eight-thousander, was truly incredible. Despite the freezing cold, we captured pictures and videos. When we took off our gloves, the pain from the cold was intense. This experience emphasized the importance of having warm gloves, socks, and shoes for high-altitude planning to stay warm.

After enjoying the sunrise, we decided to leave ABC promptly and descend to Machapuchre Basecamp for breakfast. At 7 am, we began our descent to MBC. The weather was clear, offering close-up views of mountains like Machapuchre, Gangapurna, Annapurna I, and Annapurna South. Relishing the scenery and the crisp weather, we made our way down to Machapuchre Basecamp. There, we ordered breakfast, filled our bellies, and decided to continue our hike.

Our plan for today was to descend to Lower Sinuwa (2200m). It’s advisable to descend more after completing the basecamp trek. The lower you descend, the more energetic and warmer you feel. So, today’s trek involved nearly 8 hours of hiking to reach Lower Sinuwa from ABC.

After four hours of hiking, we reached Dovan, where we had our lunch and continued our trek. Today, we didn’t spend much time taking pictures and videos since we were retracing the same route we took up to ABC, and our goal was to reach Lower Sinuwa before dark. While descending from Dovan, Andre slipped and fell, fortunately escaping injury with only a few pains in his foot. When I asked if he could manage two more hours with the injured foot, he assured me it was normal and that he was okay.

Hiking downhill, Vanessa mentioned developing some blisters on her foot, but we were nearly at our destination. After a 9-hour hike, we finally arrived at Lower Sinuwa. This time, we secured a more comfortable room. Enjoying a hot shower after many days, we relished the warmth at Lower Sinuwa, a welcome change from the freezing temperatures at ABC. After few rest we gathered at dining and our dinner was ready. Vanessa ordered sizzling hot sizzler to celebrate the trek, it arrived making smokes all over the room. There were many Korean guest on other table they looked the sizzler with fire and smoke very interestingly. Vanessa and Andre were allowed to drink today as we already came to low altitude, we ordered local millet wine which was very good and enjoyed drinking it

 After some rest, we gathered at the dining area, and our dinner was served. To celebrate the trek, Vanessa ordered a sizzling hot sizzler, which arrived creating smoke that filled the room. There were many Korean guests at another table who found the sizzler, with its fire and smoke, quite interesting. Since we had descended to lower altitude, Vanessa and Andre were allowed to drink that evening. We ordered local millet wine, which turned out to be very good, and we enjoyed sipping it.

Following the delightful sizzler and other delicious meals for dinner, a surprise awaited us. It was a cultural program organized by local groups of women. Andre and Vanessa were excited to experience the local culture, music, and dance. The program commenced with the local ladies singing and playing the traditional drum called Madal. We all joined in the dance, having fun for a few hours. The program concluded, and we retired to bed around 10 pm. Exhausted from the long hike and the evening’s festivities, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

Day 7 ( Nov 9, 2023) : Lower Sinuwa(2200m) to Ghandruk(2012m) :

I woke up at 7 am today with no rush as per our plan. Originally, we were supposed to hike to Ghandruk via Chommrong, but considering Andre and Vanessa’s exhaustion from several days of trekking, we decided to change our route. Today, we would hike for two and a half hours to Jhinudada. From there, we’d cross the Jhinu bridge and then book a jeep to Ghandruk.

We gathered for breakfast around 8 am, and after finishing our meal, we began our hike towards Jhinudada at 9 am. We took a one-hour break for coffee and bread at the German Bakery store in the pleasant sun. After another one and a half hours of hiking from the coffee shop, we reached the Jhinu bridge.

Once again, Vanessa was nervous about crossing the bridge. Like the first day, I held her hands, offered reassurance, and engaged in conversation to divert her attention from the deep river below, successfully helping her cross the bridge. Ten minutes more of hiking from the bridge, and we reached the jeep station. Our assistant, Govinda, was returning to Kathmandu, so we bid him farewell with gratitude. After a 45-minute jeep ride from Jhinu, we arrived in Ghandruk.

Feeling hungry after a short exploration of Ghandruk village, we reached our hotel situated at the topmost hill. Lunch was promptly ordered, and I added two Tungba, a sweet local alcoholic drink crafted from millet grains, to the mix. The drink’s preparation involves placing wet millet in a small pot, and after some time, hot water turns it into a beverage that we sip through a straw. Vanessa and Andre enjoyed this unique local drink. Looking forward to a celebratory evening, I planned for a campfire and chicken barbecue. After lunch, we retired to our rooms for some rest, with a plan to reconvene at 6:30 pm

In the evening, we assembled in the hotel garden and started a campfire. Andre took charge of the barbecue, skillfully preparing a delicious meal. We savored the barbecue, relished the warmth of the campfire, danced to music, and celebrated the success of our trek on this final day.

Day 8 ( Nov 10, 2023) : Ghandruk(2012m) to Pokhara drive :

Today marks the final day of our journey as we head back to Pokhara and part ways. I enjoyed a restful morning until 9 am, and Vanessa and Andre joined me for breakfast at 9:30 am.

After our meal, we explored the charming village of Ghandruk, admiring the old settlements and visiting the museum. Andre and Vanessa even tried on Gurung costumes at the museum, looking quite attractive in them. Following a brief exploration of Ghandruk, we took a jeep to Pokhara

After a three-hour journey, we arrived in Pokhara. Vanessa, Andre, and I then went our separate ways, with them heading to their hotel and me to mine. We planned to meet in the evening at Lakeside Foot Trail, one of my favorite spots.

After some hours of rest, we reunited at Lakeside Foot Trail. We purchased chilled beers and made our way to the familiar flipped boat by the bank of Fewa Lake. Sitting on the boat, we ordered some street food like momo and pork barbecue, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the sunset over Fewa Lake. Andre and Vanessa appreciated the simplicity of the place, noting that it was more enjoyable to sit by the lake, drink chilled beer, and indulge in street food than spending money in a fancy bar. Vanessa, having some online work with her clients, went back to the hotel, while Andre and I continued to savor a couple more bottles of beer at the same spot. Around 10 pm, we decided to return to our respective hotels. Since Andre and Vanessa planned to stay in Pokhara for a few more days, and I intended to leave the next evening, we made plans for a short hike at Pame the following day before my departure. We then bid each other goodnight and went to our respective hotels to rest.

The next day, I visited Andre and Vanessa’s hotel as we had planned for a short hike. Unfortunately, Vanessa couldn’t make it due to pending work. Before bidding farewell to Vanessa, I invited both Andre and Vanessa for dinner and a stay at my home when they returned to Kathmandu. Additionally, I extended an invitation for them to join a two-day event I was hosting, the “Hike To Sidhalek,” scheduled for November 18-19, 2023.( They participated in the event, enjoyed the typical Nepali festivities, and stayed at my house on the night of November 19.)

Andre and I went for a short hike to Pame after having coffee and Bibimbap for lunch at a Korean restaurant in Lakeside. We enjoyed the scenic views of the lake, had a cup of tea at Pame, and returned to Lakeside by local bus from Pame. As it was time to say goodbye, I headed to my hotel, grabbed my backpack, and drove back to Kathmandu.

Thank you So much and please watch our youtube video attached below.

Annapurna Basecamp Trek – Part I
Annapurna Basecamp Trek – Part II

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(4) Comments

  1. Andre & Vanessa

    Thank you so much for this beautiful trekking adventure!
    Though we booked so to say last minute Rikesh and his team managed to organise everything perfectly. We felt very welcomed and taken care along the entire journey 🙂 For every upcoming challenge they found an immediate solution.
    The Annapurna Basecamp trek is a breathtaking experience and the exhaustion along the route are always rewarded – ranging from the jungle to frozen rivers below bright stars on crisp night sky.
    We had a once in a lifetime experience and looking forward to go for the next trek with you!

  2. all ai

    The site is super, I will recommend it to everyone I know!


    SUPER EVERYTHING, GENERAL COOUTOO, if it were really so

  4. Oil Folex

    I can’t remember where I read about it.

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